Hey everyone, this Walt Pourier Executive Director with a personal update from the Stronghold Society… as you know its been a trying few years for everyone with the state of the world and all the struggles we all faced… Stronghold has been keeping the work moving all through the hardships, establishing great relationships and together amazing outreach has been accomplished. We are very grateful for all the continued support in all our outreach efforts… we truly couldn’t do all we do without your support.
Major big moves ahead, and we’ve spent this time to work and grow our capacity to better absorb the amazing updates to come, 2022 and beyond is going to be EPIC! and our outreach will grow 10 times the size very quickly so to create more programs and develop more skateparks all across Native Country through our Stronghold Society skateboarding, music and the arts initiatives. Thank you for all you do and for being a part of this amazing movement! Together we can, and together we are making a difference. I am forever grateful.
Wopila tanka. Walt Pourier
Pic from preCovid programming