Our awesome sista, Irene Bedard gives a shout out to the Stronghold Society: Indian Country Today Media Network reporter, Vincent Schilling, recently sat down with Inupiat Eskimo actress Irene Bedard while rehearsing for a live Colonial Williamsburg production entitled “The Beloved Woman” in July. My brother Larry T Pourier worked on that production. Isn’t she the best!! we be ROCKIN together!!
Native America Calling
You can listen to an episode of Native America Calling online featuring the Stronghold Society at http://www.nativeamericacalling.com/
The Heartbeat of Native Skate Parks: The scrape of skateboard wheels gripping cement and plywood formations that Native boarders just can’t seem to get enough of, captivates the imagination while stretching the possibilities of physics and physical agility. Not only is skating on the Rez and in the city a test of skills, it’s also a path to new discovery and focus. For some, it’s a way to be in line with a healthy life while still enjoying what it means to be young. So just what is the connecting line between culture and skating? How are tribal communities changing the lives of their youth with offering venues for this sport including tribal built skateparks? Guests: Mike Hugues (Shoshone-Bannock) and Walt Pourier (Oglala Lakota)… and Crazy Joe Mesteth Oglala Lakota get ready to rock!!
Jeff Ament VANS Pass The Bucket – Stronghold Society
Jeff Ament VANS Pass The Bucket Episode premiere!!!! and the WK4-Directions Skatepark of the Stronghold Society… prepare to be moved!! Thank you Jeff, thanks Chris Overholser, Luke Korver, Steve Vandoren and VANS… this is a beautiful story. The Stronghold Society and the Lakota Community is so honored with this production, true heart and soul of Jeff Ament made this whole thing possible. Special thanks to all the Pine Ridge Park supporters, and Jeff Ament and Montana Pool Service, Jim Murphy and Wounded Knee Skateboards, Walt Pourier and the Stronghold Society, Mark Hubbard and Grindline Skateparks, Pearl Jam’s Vitalogy Foundation, The Tony Hawk Foundation / Ben Harper / Chris Sacca, The Eagle Bull Family and VANS Off The Wall. VANS PASS THE BUCKET… you rocked it!!!
COMING UP FAST! Details to come!! It’s a Live Life Call To Action!! Call 303-255-1730 for support details!
We need your support on the frontlines of change…
We are but one year old and have accomplished about 5 years worth of work already, and there is so much more ahead. The ONE Gathering Skate For Life, The Kimimila “Age of the Daughters” Gathering, the WK4-Directions Skateparks, The Urban Method/ Conscious Alliance collaboration “Live For Dreams” song and video, Live Life poster and radio campaigns in the works…. etc, and so much more to come! Please share with everyone you know about the Stronghold Society. Our work depends entirely upon the generosity of our donors. All your contributions will be put to great use to make a difference in the life of another.
You Thrive, I Thrive, WE THRIVE. as it should be….
micante etan wopila tanka
“biggest thanks from within my heart”
walt pourier, executive director
2012… is all about New Beginnings!
We thank you so much for an awesome first year, because of all your continued support we are able to do the work we do with our newly established Stronghold Society nonprofit, dedicated to instilling hope and supporting youth movements through Live Life Call To Action Campaigns.
Its been a great year… together we accomplished sooo much. And there are many BIG things AHEAD! We promise to keep you updated on all our accomplishments. Please share with everyone you know about the Stronghold Society, our work depends entirely upon the generosity of our donors. All your contributions will be put to great use to make a difference in the life of another.
Together WE CAN! 2012… is all about New Beginnings!
We thank you for ALL you do!
Collaboration with URBAN Method and Conscious Alliance
CHECK IT!!!!!! Stronghold Society and Conscious Alliance teamed up with the all-vocal hip-hop group Urban Method to create a movement through the power of music and collaboration. Under the direction of Urban Method—who is currently competing on NBC’s singing competition show The Sing Off — native and non-native youth joined forces to share in our ‘Live Life Call To Action’ message through music. The collaborative mission was to inspire confidence, creativity, hope, and ambition for the young generation. Over a dozen youth joined us for this special day to create a song with the Stronghold Society’s message ‘You Thrive, I Thrive, WE Thrive.” Check out their inspiring work and please, share this powerful message… it ROCKS!!
WK4-Directions Skatepark – UPDATE
A Live Life Call To Action Campaign
Pine Ridge, South Dakota, Oglala Lakota Reservation.
The WK4-Directions Skatepark Toby Eagle Bull Memorial a project of the Stronghold Society is at the concrete stage!!!
Big shout outs to Stronghold Society supporters Jeff Ament & Pearl Jam / PJ10 Club, VANS Steve Vandoren and Chris Overholser, Tony Hawk Foundation and Chris Saaca and Ben Harper. To Monk, Matt and Grindline Skateparks for their over and beyond efforts!!
Week THREE and Stronghold Society efforts are coming to light, thanks to the Lakota Skate Culture and Pine Ridge Community who are joing in and working hard to support. Monk and his crew from Grindline Skateparks who are working hard to create something awesome for Lakota Youth.
Pine Ridge locals Joe “Crazy” Mesteth, Mike Patton, Melanie White Eyes, the Eagle Bull family, the Pine Ridge Community and many others are steppin up in a major way to make this all possible… wopila tanka!
Will keep you updated on progress… October 15th (Saturday) event day… WE ARE HOPING TO GET THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY to the WK4-Directions Skatepark Toby Eagle Bull Memorial in Pine Ridge for a day of skatin, entertainment, and an honoring and gifting of this park to the community of Pine Ridge. …. following the very next day with a Kimimila “Age of the Daughters” Gathering on October 16th(Sunday) a back to school gathering, we are seeking support of backpacks, school supplies and financial support.
The Stronghold Society nonprofit dedicated to instilling hope and supporting youth movements through Live Life Call To Action Campaigns.
thank you so much, for all you do.
(pics by Melanie White Eyes)
Skateboarding Saves Lives
Jeff Ament – Pearl Jam/10 Club, VANS Off The Wall’s Steve Vandoren and Chris Overholser, the Tony Hawk Foundation, with Ben Harper and Chris Saaca…. all supporters of the Stronghold Society’s first WK4-Directions Skateparks. This vision of Wounded Knee Skateboards Jim Murphy, Andy Kessler and of Nakota Designs Creative Director Walt Pourier is being brought to light by the efforts of the Stronghold Society’s Live Life Call To Action Campaigns…. read up on this major life changing movement under the “Pearl Jam/Vans Collaboration” tab.
ONE Gathering Skate For Life event coming up July 9th
Stronghold Society’s ONE Gathering Skate For Life event coming up July 9th, 2011 at the downtown Denver Skatepark (20th & Little Raven).
WE are fundraising like crazy to meet our goal to run a successful event for all our youth…. we are in need of sponsorship support, volunteers (filling up fast) and we still have vendor booth spaces available (and these are going fast!). WE expect a HUGE ground throughout the day (10k+), over 30 booths, food vendors, a stage rockin with awesome bands, awesome skate competition, local skate shops, skate pros on hand, food drive w/Conscious Alliance, FLOBOTS.org with Youth On Record music/recording booth, Thrifty Stick Boardshop, a graffiti wall… PEACEJAM.org settin up… VANs Off The Wall – Waffles on a Stick!…. Tocabe Native American Eatery Indian Tacos…. SoBe Life Water available for all…. etc!!!
By supporting this Live Life Call to Action Campaign, you will help to inspire confidence, creativity, hope, and ambition for the youth of native and non-native communities. We want to encourage youth to take action to live a healthy life in mind, body, and spirit through the diverse means of skateboarding, arts, and creative movements. The skateboarding movement throughout the country and Indian Country (reservations) is a great way to connect and interact with youth in their communities. We held this event last year and it was a huge success with many organizations, companies, and advocates who are also involved this year. It would be an honor to have you take part.
And please… help us to spread the word even further, by sharing this email with your social network circle. Every little bit, makes a BIG difference! We also have sponsorship levels should any of your business connections be interested in supporting.
All event forms, sponsorship levels, vendor forms, info, skate registration, available right here on our website as downloadable PDFs. This is a Live Life Call To Action and we could use your help… call me if you would like to hear more about this awesome event…, it would be an honor to speak with you.
Once again I want to thank you so much, for supporting our Stronghold Society outreach efforts, because of you, we can do the things we do… and so far it has been awesome!
Walt Pourier
Stronghold Society President